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Module 1: Introduction to Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Terraform
Understanding Infrastructure as Code Definition and importance Benefits and challenges Introduction to Terraform What is Terraform? History and evolution Comparison with other IaC tools Setting Up Your Environment Installing Terraform Configuring providers

  • Understanding Infrastructure as Code
  • Introduction to Terraform
  • Setting Up Your Environment
  • what is terraform

Module 2: Terraform Basics
Terraform Configuration Language (HCL) Syntax and structure Variables and data types Terraform Workflow Initializing a Terraform project Writing and organizing Terraform code Planning and applying changes State Management Understanding Terraform state State backends

Module 3: Terraform Core Concepts
Resources Defining and managing resources Resource types and attributes Using data sources Modules Creating and using modules Module best practices Variables and Outputs Input variables Output values Variable interpolation

Module 4: Advanced Terraform Topics
Providers Working with providers Provider versioning and configuration Dependencies and Ordering Handling resource dependencies Managing resource creation order Provisioning Using provisioners Remote execution with tools like Ansible or Chef

Module 5: Terraform Best Practices and Tips
Best Practices Code organization Naming conventions Security considerations Testing and Continuous Integration Testing Terraform code Integrating Terraform with CI/CD pipelines Troubleshooting and Debugging Common errors and how to resolve them Debugging Terraform configurations

Module 6: Terraform in Production
Scaling Terraform Managing large-scale infrastructure Workspaces and environments Security and Compliance Implementing security best practices Compliance considerations Operational Considerations Monitoring and logging Disaster recovery planning

Module 7: Terraform Ecosystem
Terraform Modules Using community modules Creating and publishing your modules Terraform with Other Tools Integrating Terraform with other IaC tools Using Terraform with cloud-native services like AWS ECS, Azure AKS, etc. Future Trends and Advanced Topics Exploring emerging features Contributing to Terraform open-source development

Module 8: Case Studies and Real-World Examples
Case Study: Deploying a Web Application Walkthrough of deploying a sample application with Terraform Best practices applied in a real-world scenario Case Study: Multi-Cloud Deployment Deploying infrastructure across multiple cloud providers Challenges and solutions Case Study: Infrastructure Migration Migrating existing infrastructure to Terraform Lessons learned and best practices

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