Server Administration for Linux

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Linux Server Administration
Understanding the role of Linux servers in modern computing Basic Linux commands and terminal navigation Introduction to server architecture and networking concepts

  • Understanding the role of Linux servers in modern computing
  • Basic Linux commands and terminal navigation
  • Introduction to server architecture and networking concepts

Module 2: Installation and Configuration
Choosing the right Linux distribution for your server Installation methods (command-line, GUI, network-based) Initial server setup: configuring network settings, user accounts, and security settings

Module 3: File System Management
Understanding the Linux file system hierarchy File and directory permissions Disk management and partitioning Working with file systems (ext4, XFS, etc.) Introduction to LVM (Logical Volume Management)

Module 4: System Administration Tasks
Package management with package managers (APT, YUM, etc.) Process management and monitoring Managing users and groups System resource management (CPU, memory, disk usage) Backup and restore procedures

Module 5: Networking and Services
Configuring network interfaces and networking services DNS configuration and troubleshooting Remote access using SSH (Secure Shell) Introduction to firewalls and security measures (iptables, firewalld) Web server setup and configuration (Apache, Nginx)

Module 6: Security and Authentication
User authentication methods (passwords, SSH keys) Securing SSH access (key-based authentication, two-factor authentication) Implementing security policies and best practices Intrusion detection and prevention systems (Fail2ban, Snort) SSL/TLS certificates and HTTPS configuration

Module 7: Virtualization and Containerization
Introduction to virtualization technologies (KVM, Xen) Containerization with Docker and Kubernetes Managing virtual machines and containers Container orchestration and scaling

Module 8: Automation and Scripting
Introduction to shell scripting (Bash) Automating system tasks with Cron Configuration management tools (Ansible, Puppet) Infrastructure as Code (IaC) principles and practices

Module 9: Monitoring and Performance Tuning
System monitoring tools (Nagios, Zabbix) Performance tuning techniques Analyzing system logs for troubleshooting Capacity planning and scaling strategies

Module 10: High Availability and Disaster Recovery
Implementing high availability architectures Load balancing and clustering Backup strategies and disaster recovery planning Testing and simulating disaster scenarios

Module 11: Advanced Topics
Kernel tuning and customization Network file systems (NFS, Samba) Database server administration (MySQL, PostgreSQL) Web application deployment and scaling

Module 12: Real-world Scenarios and Projects
Case studies and real-world examples Hands-on projects to reinforce learning Troubleshooting complex server issues Best practices for managing production servers

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