React with Typescript

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to React with TypeScript
* Overview of React and TypeScript * Setting up the development environment * Creating a simple React component with TypeScript * JSX and TypeScript integration

  • * Overview of React and TypeScript

Module 2: Fundamentals of React with TypeScript
* State and Props in React with TypeScript * Handling events with TypeScript * Conditional rendering and TypeScript * Lists and Keys in React with TypeScript

Module 3: Advanced React Concepts with TypeScript
* Forms and form validation with TypeScript * React Hooks with TypeScript * useState * useEffect * useContext * Custom hooks * Context API with TypeScript * Refs and Forwarding Refs in React with TypeScript

Module 4: Working with External Data and APIs
* Fetching data with TypeScript * Using Axios with TypeScript * Type definitions for external libraries

Module 5: Routing and Navigation
* React Router with TypeScript * Nested routes and route parameters * Programmatic navigation with TypeScript

Module 6: Styling in React with TypeScript
* CSS Modules with TypeScript * Styled Components with TypeScript * Material UI with TypeScript

Module 7: Testing React Components with TypeScript
* Introduction to testing in React * Setting up testing environment with TypeScript * Testing components with Jest and React Testing Library

Module 8: Deployment and Optimization
* Build and deployment process with TypeScript * Code splitting and lazy loading with TypeScript * Performance optimization techniques with TypeScript

Module 9: Real-world Project
* Building a complete application from scratch * Implementing features with React and TypeScript * Deployment and final touches

Module 10: Additional Topics (Optional)
* Error handling and logging * nternationalization (i18n) with TypeScript * Accessibility considerations with TypeScript * Server-side rendering with TypeScript

Module 11: Conclusion
* Recap and review of key concepts * Next steps and further learning resources Each module can consist of lectures, exercises, quizzes, and coding assignments to reinforce learning. It's also beneficial to include practical examples and real-world projects throughout the course to provide hands-on experience with React and TypeScript. Additionally, keeping the course updated with the latest advancements in React and TypeScript is crucial for its relevance and effectiveness.

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