Pacemaker Cluster

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to High Availability and Pacemaker
Understanding High Availability (HA) concepts Introduction to Pacemaker Use cases and benefits of using Pacemaker Overview of cluster architectures

  • Understanding High Availability (HA) concepts
  • Introduction to Pacemaker
  • Use cases and benefits of using Pacemaker
  • Overview of cluster architectures

Module 2: Pacemaker Fundamentals
Pacemaker architecture and components Resource Agents: Types and configurations Pacemaker Cluster Information Base (CIB) Pacemaker Cluster Configuration: XML format and syntax

Module 3: Pacemaker Installation and Configuration
Preparing the environment: OS requirements and prerequisites Pacemaker installation methods (package manager, source) Basic cluster configuration Configuring Pacemaker for various scenarios (active/passive, active/active)

Module 4: Managing Cluster Resources
Understanding cluster resources Resource management commands (crm, crmsh) Resource monitoring and health checking Configuring resource constraints and dependencies

Module 5: Advanced Pacemaker Configuration
Pacemaker fencing mechanisms Advanced resource types (Clone, Group, Master/Slave) Colocation and order constraints Handling split-brain scenarios

Module 6: Pacemaker Troubleshooting and Maintenance
Identifying common issues and errors Logging and debugging techniques Backup and restore procedures Upgrading Pacemaker clusters

Module 7: Pacemaker Integration with Other Tools
Integrating Pacemaker with Corosync for messaging Pacemaker and STONITH integration Pacemaker and DRBD integration for data replication Using Pacemaker with virtualization platforms (e.g., KVM)

Module 8: Case Studies and Best Practices
Real-world case studies of Pacemaker implementations Best practices for Pacemaker configuration and maintenance Performance tuning and optimization tips

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