Ionic with Capacitor

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Ionic and Capacitor
* Overview of Ionic and Capacitor * Introduction to Ionic framework * Introduction to Capacitor and its purpose * Setting Up Development Environment * Installing Node.js and npm * Installing Ionic CLI and Capacitor CLI * Creating a new Ionic project

  • Overview of Ionic and Capacitor
  • Setting Up Development Environment

Module 2: Building User Interfaces with Ionic
* Ionic Components and Layouts * Understanding Ionic components * Working with Ionic layouts and grids * Navigation in Ionic * Using Ionic routing for navigation * Implementing navigation guards * Theming and Styling in Ionic * Customizing Ionic themes * Styling Ionic components

Module 3: Integrating Capacitor into Ionic Projects
* Introduction to Capacitor * Understanding the role of Capacitor in Ionic projects * Capacitor configuration and initialization * Adding Native Functionalities * Accessing device features (camera, geolocation, etc.) using Capacitor plugins * Handling permissions in Capacitor

Module 4: Advanced Ionic and Capacitor Concepts
* Working with Capacitor Plugins * Installing and using community plugins * Developing custom Capacitor plugins * Optimizing Performance * Performance optimization techniques for Ionic apps * Profiling and debugging Ionic apps with Capacitor * Deploying Ionic Apps * Generating production builds of Ionic apps * Deploying Ionic apps to various platforms using Capacitor

Module 5: Real-world Projects and Best Practices
* Building a Sample Application * Developing a complete Ionic app with Capacitor integration * Applying best practices in project structure and organization * Testing and Debugging * Unit testing Ionic components * Debugging Ionic apps on different platforms

Module 6: Continuous Integration and Deployment
* CI/CD for Ionic Apps * Setting up continuous integration pipelines for Ionic apps * Automating deployment with CI/CD tools * Monitoring and Analytics * Integrating analytics tools into Ionic apps * Monitoring app performance and user behavior

Module 7: Future Trends and Advanced Topics
* Exploring Advanced Ionic Features * Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) with Ionic * Ionic with other frameworks (Angular, React, Vue) * Emerging Technologies * Introduction to Web Components and StencilJS * Exploring the latest updates and trends in Ionic and Capacitor

* Final Project and Recap * Building a final project to consolidate learning * Recap of key concepts and takeaways

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