Case Study -CRM Application

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to CRM
Understanding CRM and its significance in modern business Historical overview and evolution of CRM Benefits and objectives of implementing CRM systems Case studies showcasing successful CRM implementations

  • Understanding CRM and its significance in modern business Historical overview and evolution of CRM Benefits and objectives of implementing CRM systems Case studies showcasing successful CRM implementations
  • Historical overview and evolution of CRM
  • Benefits and objectives of implementing CRM systems
  • Case studies showcasing successful CRM implementations

Module 2: CRM Strategy Development
Defining organizational goals and customer-centric objectives Segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies Customer lifecycle management CRM metrics and KPIs for performance measurement

Module 3: CRM Tools and Technologies
Overview of CRM software solutions and platforms Evaluating and selecting the right CRM system for your organization Implementation strategies and best practices Integration with other business systems (ERP, marketing automation, etc.)

Module 4: Data Management in CRM
Importance of data quality and data governance Customer data acquisition and cleansing techniques Data analysis and reporting for actionable insights GDPR and other data protection regulations compliance in CRM

Module 5: Customer Engagement and Retention
Building customer relationships through personalized interactions Effective communication channels (email, social media, etc.) Loyalty programs and customer retention strategies Handling customer complaints and feedback

Module 6: CRM in Sales and Marketing
Aligning CRM with sales and marketing goals Lead generation and management Sales pipeline management and forecasting Marketing automation and campaign management

Module 7: CRM in Customer Service
Importance of CRM in delivering exceptional customer service Omnichannel support and service delivery Implementing self-service options and knowledge bases Measuring customer satisfaction and service quality

Module 8: CRM Analytics and Decision Making
Utilizing CRM data for predictive analytics Customer segmentation and targeting based on analytics Real-time reporting and dashboard visualization Leveraging AI and machine learning in CRM analytics

Module 9: CRM Implementation and Adoption
Change management strategies for successful CRM adoption Training and onboarding employees on CRM systems Overcoming common implementation challenges Continuous improvement and iteration in CRM processes

Module 10: Case Studies and Best Practices
Real-world case studies of successful CRM implementations Best practices from leading organizations Lessons learned and pitfalls to avoid Future trends and advancements in CRM

Module 11: Capstone Project
Applying CRM principles and strategies to a real-world scenario Developing a comprehensive CRM plan or strategy Presenting and peer reviewing capstone projects

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