AWS Event Driven Architectural Project – Usecase and Steps

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Event-Driven Architecture
Understanding Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) principles Advantages and use cases of EDA Overview of AWS services for building event-driven systems

  • Understanding Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) principles
  • Advantages and use cases of EDA
  • Overview of AWS services for building event-driven systems

Module 2: Designing Event-Driven Systems
Identifying business requirements and use cases Event sourcing vs. event streaming Design patterns for event-driven systems Deciding event sources, event consumers, and event routers

Module 3: AWS Event Sources
Overview of AWS services as event sources (e.g., S3, DynamoDB, Kinesis, IoT Core) Configuring event triggers Best practices for integrating AWS event sources into your architecture

Module 4: AWS Event Consumers
Understanding AWS Lambda for event processing Designing serverless event consumers Integrating event consumers with AWS services (e.g., SQS, SNS) Handling scalability and fault tolerance in event consumers

Module 5: Event Routing and Processing
Introduction to Amazon EventBridge (formerly CloudWatch Events) Configuring event buses and rules Routing events to multiple targets Data transformation and enrichment using AWS services (e.g., AWS Glue, Lambda)

Module 6: Monitoring and Logging in Event-Driven Architectures
Monitoring event flows and performance Logging and debugging event-driven systems Setting up alarms and notifications for critical events Leveraging AWS CloudWatch and X-Ray for monitoring

Module 7: Security and Compliance
Implementing security best practices for event-driven architectures Data encryption in transit and at rest Identity and Access Management (IAM) for event-driven systems Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA)

Module 8: Testing and Deployment Strategies
Unit testing event-driven components Integration testing event flows Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) for event-driven architectures Blue-green deployments and canary releases

Module 9: Real-World Use Cases and Case Studies
Analyzing real-world implementations of event-driven architectures Case studies of successful event-driven projects on AWS Lessons learned and best practices from industry examples

Module 10: Hands-On Project
Building an event-driven application on AWS Implementing event sources, event consumers, and event routing Testing, monitoring, and deploying the application Troubleshooting common issues and optimizing performance

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