Angular with Typescript

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Angular and TypeScript
* Introduction to Angular * What is Angular? * Angular vs AngularJS * Angular CLI * Introduction to TypeScript * What is TypeScript? * TypeScript vs JavaScript * Setting up TypeScript environment

  • Introduction to Angular
  • Introduction to TypeScript

Module 2: Building Blocks of Angular
* Components * Anatomy of an Angular component * Creating and using components * Communication between components * Templates and Directives * Introduction to Angular templates * Built-in directives (ngIf, ngFor, ngSwitch) * Creating custom directives

Module 3: Services and Dependency Injection
* Services * What are services? * Creating and using services * Dependency Injection (DI) in Angular

Module 4: Routing and Navigation
* Introduction to Routing * Setting up routing in Angular * Creating and configuring routes * Route parameters and guards * Navigation * Navigation with RouterLink * Programmatic navigation * Handling navigation events

Module 5: Forms and Validation * Template-driven Forms
* Template-driven Forms * Introduction to template-driven forms * Form controls and validation * Handling form submission * Reactive Forms * Introduction to reactive forms * FormBuilder and FormControl * Custom validators

Module 6: HTTP Client and Observables
* HTTP Client * Introduction to Angular's HttpClient * Making HTTP requests * Error handling and interceptors * Observables in Angular * Understanding Observables * Using RxJS operators * Combining Observables

Module 7: State Management
* State Management with NgRx * Introduction to NgRx * Store, Actions, and Reducers * Effects and Entity

Module 8: Testing Angular Applications
* Testing Fundamentals * Introduction to testing in Angular * Writing unit tests with Jasmine * Integration testing with TestBed * End-to-End Testing with Protractor * Setting up Protractor * Writing and running E2E tests

Module 9: Deployment and Best Practices
* Optimization and Deployment * Production build optimization * Deployment strategies (e.g., deploying to Firebase, Heroku) * Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) * Best Practices and Patterns * Angular best practices * Design patterns in Angular (e.g., Singleton, Decorator)

Module 10: Beyond the Basics (Optional)
* Advanced Angular Features * Lazy loading modules * Internationalization (i18n) * Progressive Web Apps (PWA) * Angular and Backend Integration * Integrating Angular with Node.js/Express or other backend frameworks * Authentication and authorization

* Final Project * Capstone project to apply learned concepts * Showcase best practices and coding standards * Peer review and feedback

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