What is Azure Functions and how does it differ from Azure Web Jobs?

Azure Functions and Azure Web Jobs are two Azure services that allow developers to run code in the cloud in a serverless manner. However, they have some differences in terms of their architecture, deployment models, and use cases.

Azure Functions is a serverless compute service that allows developers to run small pieces of code, called functions, in response to events. Functions can be triggered by a variety of events, such as HTTP requests, timers, messages from Azure Event Grid, changes in Azure Blob Storage or Cosmos DB, and more. Functions can be written in a variety of programming languages, including C#, Java, JavaScript, PowerShell, and Python. Azure Functions scales automatically to handle incoming requests and charges based on the number of executions and the amount of resources consumed by the function.

Azure Web Jobs, on the other hand, is a feature of Azure App Service that allows developers to run background tasks or scheduled jobs using the same application runtime as the web application. Web Jobs can be written in the same programming languages as the web application and can be triggered by a variety of triggers, such as a message in a queue, a new file in Azure Blob Storage, or a scheduled timer. Web Jobs can also run continuously, and can be used for long-running tasks or for processing data in the background. Unlike Azure Functions, Web Jobs do not scale automatically and require manual configuration to scale out.

In summary, Azure Functions and Azure Web Jobs both provide ways to run code in the cloud in a serverless manner, but they have different architectures and use cases. Azure Functions is designed for running short-lived functions in response to events, while Azure Web Jobs is designed for running background tasks or scheduled jobs alongside a web application.

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