How do you secure an EC2 instance in AWS?

There are several steps you can take to secure an EC2 instance in AWS:

Use Security Groups: Security groups act as a virtual firewall for your instance and allow you to control incoming and outgoing traffic. You should only allow traffic that is necessary for your application to function properly.

Use Key Pairs for SSH Access: Instead of using passwords for SSH access, use key pairs. Key pairs provide a more secure method of accessing your instances, as they are harder to crack than passwords.

Disable Root Access: Disable root access to your instances and use a non-root user with sudo privileges for administrative tasks.

Use HTTPS: Use HTTPS for web applications to encrypt traffic between the server and clients.

Update and Patch Your Instance: Keep your instance up to date with the latest security patches and updates to mitigate vulnerabilities.

Use Encryption: Use encryption to protect data at rest and in transit. You can use services like Amazon EBS, Amazon S3, and Amazon RDS to encrypt your data.

Enable AWS CloudTrail: Enable AWS CloudTrail to monitor and log API calls made to your EC2 instances. This can help you identify potential security issues.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA for accessing AWS services, such as the AWS Management Console and APIs.

By following these steps, you can help to secure your EC2 instance and protect it from potential threats.

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