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Module 1: Introduction to Kubernetes
1.1. What is Kubernetes? Overview and history Why Kubernetes? Key features and benefits 1.2. Kubernetes Architecture Master components: API server, scheduler, controller manager, etcd Node components: kubelet, kube-proxy, container runtime Networking and storage considerations 1.3. Kubernetes Objects Pods Services Deployments StatefulSets ConfigMaps and Secrets

  • Overview and history of kubernetes
  • Why Kubernetes?
  • Kubernetes Architecture
  • Master components: API server, scheduler, controller manager, etcd
  • Node components: kubelet, kube-proxy, container runtime
  • Networking and storage considerations
  • Pods
  • Services
  • Deployments
  • Stateful Sets
  • ConfigMaps and Secrets

Module 2: Setting Up Kubernetes Environment
2.1. Installing Kubernetes Installation methods (e.g., Minikube, kubeadm, cloud providers) Configuring a Kubernetes cluster 2.2. Accessing and Managing Kubernetes Cluster kubectl: Overview and basic commands Access control and RBAC

Module 3: Deploying Applications
3.1. Creating Pods YAML configuration Labels and selectors Multi-container pods 3.2. Deployments and ReplicaSets Rolling updates and rollbacks Scaling applications 3.3. Services ClusterIP, NodePort, LoadBalancer Service discovery and DNS

Module 4: Advanced Kubernetes Concepts
4.1. ConfigMaps and Secrets Managing sensitive information Configuring applications with external configuration 4.2. Persistent Volumes and Persistent Volume Claims Storage options in Kubernetes Volume provisioning 4.3. StatefulSets Managing stateful applications Ordering and scaling stateful pods

Module 5: Kubernetes Networking
5.1. Service Networking Intra-cluster communication Service types and networking models 5.2. Ingress Routing external traffic to services Ingress controllers and annotations

Module 6: Monitoring and Logging
6.1. Monitoring with Prometheus Deploying Prometheus on Kubernetes Monitoring cluster and application metrics 6.2. Logging with Fluentd and Elasticsearch Centralized logging architecture Aggregating and analyzing logs

Module 7: Kubernetes Operations and Maintenance
7.1. Upgrades and Rollbacks Upgrading Kubernetes clusters Rolling back upgrades 7.2. Troubleshooting Kubernetes Common issues and debugging techniques Monitoring cluster health

Module 8: Kubernetes Security
8.1. Network Policies Controlling traffic flow Enforcing security rules 8.2. Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) Managing access to cluster resources Best practices for RBAC configuration

Module 9: Kubernetes Best Practices and Use Cases
9.1. Kubernetes Best Practices Designing resilient applications Optimizing resource utilization 9.2. Real-world Use Cases CI/CD pipelines with Kubernetes Edge computing and IoT deployments

Module 10: Future Trends and Conclusion
10.1. Emerging Trends in Kubernetes Serverless computing with Kubernetes Kubernetes Federation and multi-cluster management 10.2. Conclusion and Next Steps

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