Cyber Security

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Course Content

Module 1: Introduction to Cyber Security
Understanding the basics of cyber security Historical perspective and evolution of cyber threats Importance of cyber security in modern society Ethical and legal considerations

  • Understanding the basics of cyber security
  • Historical perspective and evolution of cyber threats
  • Importance of cyber security in modern society
  • Ethical and legal considerations

Module 2: Fundamentals of Networking and System Architecture
Basics of computer networks and communication protocols Understanding system architectures (client-server, peer-to-peer, etc.) Network topologies and their security implications Introduction to cloud computing and virtualization

Module 3: Threats and Attacks
Types of cyber threats (malware, phishing, DDoS, etc.) Social engineering techniques and attacks Exploiting vulnerabilities and penetration testing Risk assessment and threat modeling

Module 4: Cryptography
Principles of cryptography and encryption algorithms Symmetric vs asymmetric encryption Public key infrastructure (PKI) Digital signatures and certificates

Module 5: Access Control and Identity Management
Authentication methods (passwords, biometrics, tokens, etc.) Authorization mechanisms (RBAC, ABAC, etc.) Identity management systems Single sign-on (SSO) and federation

Module 6: Security Operations and Incident Response
Security policies and procedures Security monitoring and intrusion detection Incident response and handling Forensic analysis and evidence collection

Module 7: Secure Software Development
Secure coding practices Common software vulnerabilities (OWASP Top 10) Code review and testing techniques Secure software development life cycle (SDLC)

Module 8: Network Security
Firewalls and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) Virtual private networks (VPN) and secure tunneling Wireless network security Secure configuration and management of network devices

Module 9: Web Application Security
Common web vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, etc.) Web application firewalls (WAF) Secure coding for web applications API security

Module 10: Mobile and IoT Security
Security challenges in mobile and IoT devices Mobile application security Securing IoT networks and devices Mobile device management (MDM)

Module 11: Cloud Security
Cloud computing security models Securing cloud infrastructure and services Shared responsibility model Cloud security best practices

Module 12: Emerging Trends and Technologies
Blockchain security AI and machine learning for cyber security Quantum computing and its implications for cryptography IoT security standards and regulations

Module 13: Legal and Ethical Issues in Cyber Security
Cyber laws and regulations Privacy considerations Intellectual property protection Ethical hacking and responsible disclosure

Module 14: Career Paths and Professional Development
Career opportunities in cyber security Certifications and training programs Building a career path in cyber security Networking and professional organizations

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